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Here You Can Play Sports related skill Games Like use to play in Dream11 and My11Circle and More New Games Like MVP Player, MVP Batting, MVP Bowling Etc
Our Rules is Simple Play beside of Most Valueble Player or Players and Stay away from Low Valueble Players of the Match
Most Valueble Batting of the Match by scrore and you can select single or multiple Players for a single match from a single or both team End of the match only Batting Scrore will be consider
Most Valueble Bowling of the Match by scrore and you can select single or multiple Players for a single match from a single or both team End of the match only Bowling Scrore will be consider
Most Valueble Allround of the Match by scrore and you can select single or multiple Players for a single match from a single or both team End of the match Batting, Bowling & Fielding Scrore will be consider
Because You pay 0 Tax and when you play with coins you get 10% Extra Sponsorship fee from sponsored company